Wednesday, 11 June 2014

CPTD Info from Lesley Hutchings

Good morning Colleagues

Attached please find the following 2 CPTD related documents:

1. A  CPTD newsletter
 *HODs are to please confirm attendance at the CPTD MS orientation session by returning the reply slip attached to the newsletter by 20 June. Thank you to the schools that have already submitted their names.

2. The CPTD Management System Educators’ Guide which includes a CPTD Management Plan outlining the required CPTD processes for each month. Refer to page 4.
      *The Guide also contains
the very latest (revised) PD Points Schedule. Refer to page 11 of the Guide.
     **Hard copies of this revised points schedule were also handed out at the May Principal Circuit Meetings.
     ***The First Cohort is please to use this points schedule when recording and reporting their PD activities and PD points accumulated since January this year.
Kindly share this information with all members of the SMT.

Lesley Hutchings
Performance Management Co-ordinator
Metropole Central Education District
Western Cape Education Department
Tel.:  021 514 6945
Fax.: 021 514 6953

Fax to Email: 0866215725

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